Our After-School Program was inspired by simple observation that something special happens when young people are empowered with artistic expression. A magical learning environment materializes when students think and communicate through words, song, images and/or movement. Arts (education) creates ample opportunities for students to develop life skills and evolve into confident, creative, articulate, team-conscious members of society. We believe that an education without arts exposure is incomplete and falls short of extraordinary. A holistic approach that respects individual strengths, while pushing all creative artists to uncover their personal best. Awarded the “Key to the City” by Mayor Bill Barnett in Naples, FL, Collier County for purposeful work in youth advocacy. We seek to inspire children to project their best selves through supportive, rigorous, and developmentally appropriate training.
Our unwavering belief has evolved into our life long purpose project:

Make arts education accessible to all students through school programs.

Movement 4 Life (M4L) began in Fort Myers, Florida October 2014. M4L provides hands-on arts experience in several disciplines (dance, tai chi 4 better balance and visual arts) taught by skilled professionals eager to share their passion, mentoring and expertise with students. Our family relocated from San Jose, California with 25 years of ownership of Studio 10 Dance, Inc. We”ve witnessed first-hand the positive impact early integrative arts experience in esteem-building and civic involvement on students attending classes, camps and workshops. Known for decades as “Best of the Bay” for coaching numerous well known dance professionals and entertainers like FOX’s TV Series “So You Think You Can Dance” Season 1 winner, Nick Lazzarini (Co-owner of Shaping Sound Dance Co.) and Ryan Ramirez (Jennifer Lopez & Beyonce tours, to name a few).

Our ability to customize programs to meet the needs of each school culture and community keeps it interesting! Helping students become the “creative architects of the outcome.” We make quality arts instruction affordable and accessible by forging partnerships with schools, school districts, and non-profit organizations. After-school arts programs become financially viable when freed from large administrative costs associated with permanent staff and curricula development. After-school programs become more accessible to students when rent-free use of school facilities reduces class fees and eliminate transportation issues for parents. It is also our hope to mitigate the “latch-key” epidemic. One of our primary goals is to raise funds for at-risk youth and students attending low income schools who don’t have the financial resources to benefit from the arts. Every child deserves access to a well-rounded education, including the unique learning experience provided by Dance & Arts.

The flexibility of our programs make arts enrichment viable for any school. The time has come to plant “Arts” firmly in the hearts and minds of our future leaders.

We look forward to working with you. Join our ongoing efforts to support and shape future innovators and leaders.
Keith & Lisa Banks